Beyond the Traditional Assessment

Be proactive, not reactive, about your health.

WELL Health Medical & Longevity Centre in Vancouver is a division of the WELL Health Clinic Network, the largest outpatient medical clinic network in Canada. At WELL Longevity, we’re going beyond the traditional medical assessment. It’s not enough for our clients to just be disease-free. We want your health to be as optimized as it can be for your age. We want you operating at a higher-level than your peers – stronger, faster, healthier.

 We are shifting the paradigm from simply treating illness to preventing it, harnessing the most advanced diagnostics to significantly improve the life and health span of our clients.” - Vince Danielsen, Senior Director of Preventative Health at WELL.

Prevention is the keyword at WELL. Our assessments identify potential issues before they become a problem, bringing clarity and insight into the state of your health. We offer personalized and actionable health insights that empower you to be proactive about your health. No matter which service you choose, we ensure that you’re engaged in the process.

People feel that they’re not part of the process. They feel like they can’t talk to their GP about their diet and exercise regime because there’s not enough time… [At WELL, we] sit down with people and really explain to them why it’s so important to focus on these things so they can take a little bit of control over their health… This is a way for patients to look at their everyday life and be able to better understand what decisions will benefit them in the long run.” - Dr. Grant Meek, Medical Director for Executive Health and Longevity Assessments and Programs.

WELL Health Medical & Longevity Centre offers services in increasing depth of detail. Deciding what service is best for you depends on how deep you want to look into the state of your health:

  • Proactive Health Assessment: A review of your medical history and future health concerns; medical exam; blood profile & urinalysis; coronary risk analysis & cardiac stress test; diabetes screening; visual acuity & hearing test; spirometry; resting ECG; abdominal & pelvis ultrasound; mental health screening

  • Longevity+ Precision Imaging Assessment: A Proactive Assessment, plus the 3.0 Total Body Scan with MRI & CT

  • Longevity+ 3.0 Precision Assessment: A Proactive Assessment, plus the 3.0 Total Body Scan with MRI & CT, and Longevity Biomarker Testing including advanced hormone testing and infection markers; blood biomarker panel, neurocognitive function test, & epigenetic age

Included in WELL’s Precision Assessments is the 3.0 Total Body Scan - the only full body scan in the Canadian market that utilizes both MRI and CT technology. CT is used for Coronary Calcium Score and lung cancer screening; MRI is used for a total body cancer screening. Imaging is conveniently done on site, resulting in faster high-quality results.

WELL medical assessments can be tailored for both individuals and corporate teams.  Our personalized and comprehensive Executive Health Programs are crafted with the most advanced medical protocols, designed for corporate executives and individuals looking to take control of their health trajectory. 

Ready to take control and be proactive with your health? Let us help you get started. Contact us today.



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