False Creek Wellness is now WELL Health Medical & Longevity Centre

Longevity medicine a new focus for WELL Health

We are excited to announce that False Creek Wellness is now WELL Health Medical & Longevity Centre. In December 2022, WELL Health Technologies acquired False Creek Wellness & Diagnostics, and, in October 2023, the clinic became the first WELL Health Medical & Longevity Centre.

WELL Health Medical & Longevity Centre delivers the most advanced multi-modality diagnostic imaging technology and molecular biomarker testing. We bring together highly-trained physicians and radiologists to create a one clinic experience for those seeking a longer, healthier, and more vital life.

Our Vancouver clinic will be the first to offer the WELL Longevity+ Program, enhancing preventative health with advanced precision diagnostics and AI technologies for the early detection of serious health conditions.

"We are shifting the paradigm from simply treating illness to preventing it, harnessing the most advanced diagnostics to significantly improve the life and health span of our clients. Our objective is clear: detect diseases like cancer and heart disease early, when they are most treatable, and provide personalized care, guidance and support that empowers our clients to lead longer, healthier lives.” - Vince Danielsen, Senior Director of Preventative Health at WELL.

Our WELL Longevity+ program boasts an array of precision tests, including but not limited to: 

  • comprehensive total body scans using MRI and CT diagnostic capabilities

  • additional screens that analyze various aspects of an individual's health including heart, metabolic, and gut microbiome health 

  • scans for neurocognitive function and cancer prevention 

  • assessments covering exercise physiology and nutritional biochemistry 

  • advanced longevity nutritional assessments and strategies 

  • mental health assessments and genetic testing 

These precision assessments are profoundly personalized, predictive, and preventative in nature, employing cutting-edge diagnostic assessments to provide greater insight into a person’s health risks. 

“We want to empower our patients to take control of their health. We monitor and give them the tools to optimize their health through advanced diagnostics. We believe there is more to health than just the absence of disease and we aim to provide everyone with the tools to achieve their best health possible. The program's comprehensive diagnostic approach and our team of specialized providers are the cornerstones of this transformative healthcare journey." - Danielsen

In addition to our transition to WELL Health Medical & Longevity Centre, and our WELL Longevity+ Program, we are honoured to announce a partnership with the Vancouver Canucks. We will be the official medical service provider for the Canucks organization, providing leading-edge diagnostic imaging and medical assessments for all their players, coaches and management.

To learn more about our Longevity+ program, contact us at info@WELLlongevity.ca or fill out our easy online inquiry form HERE.


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