Staying Healthy Over The Holidays

Our Executive Health Physician, Dr. Grant Meek weighs in on how to stay healthy over the holidays. 

While the holidays present a tradition to connect with friends and family, some may be surprised that December is peak time for cardiovascular risks. Tagged as holiday heart syndrome, this is attributed to the increase of alcohol consumption and celebratory binge drinking that goes along with holiday celebrations. Many physicians and myself notice an increase in emergency room visits from otherwise healthy patients with atrial fibrillation or irregular heart rhythms.

By limiting the amount of alcohol you consume, you can help protect your heart — but for those who choose to drink, here are a few tips to stay heart-healthy:


If you’re drinking over the holidays, aim to have a full glass of water between each beverage. Dehydration increases the risk of holiday heart syndrome so it’s essential to make sure you stay hydrated.

Don’t skip medication

With the shuffle of traveling to see family and friends, some may leave their heart or blood pressure medications behind with the thought that it may be ok to go a few days without, but it’s important to take medications as scheduled.

Find time for fitness

Moderate exercise may help. If you have a regular exercise routine but can’t get to during the holidays, find some time for a modified workout — even if it’s as simple as a brisk walk around the block.

Manage stress

Stress can play a role in increasing the risk of cardiac events. If you find yourself getting worked up, take a moment to engage in deep breathing, or practise some gentle exercises.

The holidays, albeit a time of fun, can be hectic. Listen to your body, and pay attention to anything that feels “off”.

For a healthy heart,

Dr. Grant Meek


False Creek Wellness is now WELL Health Medical & Longevity Centre


Heart Health for Men’s Health Month from Dr. Grant Meek