June is National Men’s Health Month

Many Canadian men are affected by chronic illness and have a reduced quality of life as a result yet, 70% of men’s health problems are preventable by living healthier.

A Preventative Health Assessment and consult with a physician is an excellent starting point to help you take control of your health.

  • 8/10 of premature heart disease and stroke cases are preventable through healthy lifestyle behaviours

  • Many risk factors for heart disease and stroke are in your power to control.

  • Learn the benefits of healthy activity, and get tips on adding more exercise into your daily routine.

  • Learn the basic principles of a healthy weight and waistline — and why it matters.

  • Learn to identify the things that are causing you stress so you can deal with them effectively.

The evidence is clear — early detection is key for reducing risk for chronic diseases.

Dr. Grant Meek specialises in anti-aging research and is our primary physician conducting Preventative Health Assessments. Our 4.5 hour medical assessment and physical offers clarity and insight into the state of your health, identifying any potential issues so that you can move forward empowered by knowledge.  

Talk to our Executive Health team today and learn what factors are in your power to control and can help.


Men’s Health - A Perspective from Dr. Grant Meek


Slow The Clock! 5 Things In Your Life That Impact Aging